About Us

Sittin’ On Cash was created for the individual who is seeking a practical way to make money online as a second income. We list several options that may be feasible but generally focus on low cost MLM Programs.
You have visited our site hopefully to gain some knowledge as to how to make money online. We encourage you to browse our pages and see what we have to offer. Subscribe to our feed or join or following and stay connected.

Join Our Team of investors who believe that working together we all can achieve making money online possible.

How To Make It Work For You

Sign up for the program that suits you.  We at Sittin’ On Cash are heavily promoting myMoneyFish.  Make use of the products or services.  It would be best to have a genuine interest in the product or service that you purchase.  Product Interest is one of the keys to Multi-Level Marketing; it will cause you to stick with your program at times when no one is listening.

Set Goals and Prove Success with your first aim; the product or service you purchased.  Tell-A-Friend about your success with the product or service you purchased.  Not only will you have the opportunity to make a sale for yourself but the possibility of growing your down-line.


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